ETS 中国隐私政策


ETS 测评技术(北京)有限公司("ETS 中国")意识到保护您隐私的重要性。本隐私政策描述了我们在个人信息隐私和安全方面的措施。





我们已在本隐私政策内,突出显示与您权益密切相关的条款及条件,以提请您注意。在您使用ETS中国网站或以其他方式向我们提供您的个人信息之前,请阅读并完全理解本隐私政策,并确保您完全理解并同意其条款及细则。使用ETS中国网站或以其他方式向我们提供个人信息,即表示您同意我们的隐私条款。您可以在任何时候通过发送电邮至 或通过以下联系方式部分中的地址与我们联系。




当您访问并与我们的网站互动时,我们也可能使用cookies和其他数据收集技术收集信息,请参阅下面有关cookies的部分了解更多。本隐私政策规管我们怎样使用 cookies和其他技术收集的信息与您的个人信息相关联。


  1. 为了订立或履行您作为一方当事人的合同,或者按照依法制定的劳动规章制度和依法签订的集体合同实施人力资源管理所必需;

  2. 为履行法定职责或者法定义务所必需收集;

  3. 为应对公共卫生突发事件或在紧急情况下保护自然人的生命、健康或财产安全所必需收集;

  4. 为公共利益实施新闻报道、舆论监督等行为,在合理的范围内收集个人信息;

  5. 由您披露或合法披露的,并且是我们在合理范围内依法收集的个人信息;或

  6. 在任何法律或行政法规所规定的任何其他情况所收集的个人信息。






  1. 如果我们对您的个人信息的处理违反了法律法规;

  2. 如果我们未经您的同意收集和使用您的个人信息;

  3. 如果我们对您个人信息的处理违反了与您的协议;

  4. 或不再需要我们的服务。





  1. 您的请求与我们履行法律和法规规定的义务有关。

  2. 您的请求涉及到国家安全和国防安全;

  3. 您的请求涉及公共安全、公共卫生和重大公共利益;

  4. 您的请求涉及刑事调查、起诉、审判和判决的执行;

  5. 有足够的证据表明该请求涉及主观恶意或滥用权力;

  6. 为维护您或其他个人的生命、财产及其他重大合法权益,但我们无法及时取得您的授权和同意;

  7. 响应您的请求将对您或其他个人和组织的合法权益造成严重损害;及

  8. 涉及商业秘密。
























当您访问我们的网站时,我们会在您的电脑上放置cookies。Cookies是网站发送至您的电脑或其他互联网连接设备的小型文本文件,用于唯一识别您的浏览器或在您的浏览器中存储信息或设置。我们既使用临时(会话)cookies,也使用持久性cookies,这使我们能够在您返回时识别您。Cookies帮助我们提供定制化的体验,并使我们能够检测某些类型的欺诈行为。在许多情况下,你可以通过调整浏览器的设置来管理cookies的偏好,并选择不使用cookies和其他数据收集技术。所有的浏览器都是不同的,因此请查阅您的浏览器的 “帮助” 部分,以了解cookies偏好和其他可能可用的隐私设置。

Flash Cookies

我们可能会使用Flash cookies (也称为本地存储对象)和类似的技术来个性化和增强您的在线体验。Flash cookies是使用Adobe®Flash技术放置在计算机上的小数据文件。Adobe Flash Player一个允许快速开发动态内容的应用程序,如视频剪辑和动画。

我们使用Flash cookies来个性化和增强您的在线体验,并为Flash播放器提供内容。我们还可能出于安全目的使用Flash cookies,以收集某些网站指标,并帮助记忆设置和偏好。Flash cookies是通过一个与你的网络浏览器所提供的界面不同的界面来管理的。若要管理Flash cookies,请查阅Adobe的网站。如果您停用Flash cookies或其他类似技术,请注意您可能无法查阅某些内容和产品功能。



服务器日志和其他技术Server Logs and Other Technologies








邮寄:中华人民共和国北京市朝阳区东三环北路3号B座1716 (100027)








ETS China Privacy Policy

Privacy and Security

ETS Assessments (Beijing) Ltd ("ETS China") recognizes the importance of protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy describes our practices related to personal information privacy and security.

Personal Information is any information that we can use to identify you (such as your name, username or identification number) or contact you (such as your email address or telephone number). Personal Information includes other types of information (such as demographic data) when that information is associated with your Personal Information.

ETS China is committed to protecting your Personal Information and shall adhere to the following principles when processing your personal information: the principle of consistent rights and responsibilities, the principle of clear and reasonable purpose, the principle of voluntary consent, the principle of minimum necessity, the principle of ensuring safety, the principle of participation, the principle of openness and transparency, etc. We also undertake to implement corresponding security protection measures to protect your Personal Information in accordance with the established industry security standards.

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes our practices with respect to Personal Information we collect via "Websites" or other means. The term "Website" includes all ETS China websites, platforms and applications that collect personal information from you.

We have highlighted the terms and conditions in this Privacy Policy that are closely related to your rights and interests to draw your attention. Please read and fully understand this Privacy Policy before you use ETS China Website or otherwise provide us with your Personal Information, and make sure you fully understand and agree to such terms and conditions. By using an ETS China Website or otherwise providing us with Personal Information, you agree to our privacy terms. You can contact us at any time with questions or concerns about privacy by sending an email to or by writing to us at the addresses in the Contact section below.

Within this Privacy Policy, you will find information about:

We collect the following types of Personal Information from you when you use our Websites. For example, when you choose to communicate with us for any questions and queries, we will collect your Contact Information such as your name, username, mailing address, telephone numbers, email address or other addresses that allow us to answer your questions and queries and communicate with you.

In each case, we will only collect and use these types of Personal Information as permitted by law and as needed for ETS China's legitimate business purposes.

When you visit and interact with our Website, we may also collect information that uses cookies and other data collection technologies. Please see the section on Cookies below to learn more. This Privacy Policy governs us when we associate the information we collect using cookies and other technology with your Personal Information.

According to relevant laws, regulations and national standards of the People's Republic of China, your authorization or consent is not required for collecting your Personal Information under the following circumstances:

  1. the collection is necessary for the conclusion or performance of a contract to which you are a contracting party or for conducting human resource management under the labor rules and regulations developed in accordance with the law and a collective contract signed in accordance with the law;

  2. the collection is necessary to fulfill statutory functions or statutory obligations;

  3. the collection is necessary to respond to public health emergencies or protect the life, health or property safety of natural persons under emergency circumstances;

  4. personal information is collected by us within a reasonable scope to conduct news reporting, public opinion-based supervision, or other activities in the public interest;

  5. the personal information that has been disclosed by you or legally disclosed, and is collected by us within a reasonable scope in accordance with the Law; or

  6. under any other circumstance as provided by any law or administrative regulation.

We may use your Personal Information to:

We will only disclose your Personal Information as follows:

  1. the processing is necessary for the conclusion or performance of a contract to which you are a contracting party or for conducting human resource management under the labor rules and regulations developed in accordance with the law and a collective contract signed in accordance with the law;

  2. the processing is necessary to fulfill statutory functions or statutory obligations;

  3. the processing is necessary to respond to public health emergencies or protect the life, health or property safety of natural persons under emergency circumstances;

  4. personal information is processed by us within a reasonable scope to conduct news reporting, public opinion-based supervision, or other activities in the public interest;

  5. the personal information that has been disclosed by you or legally disclosed, and is processed by us within a reasonable scope in accordance with the Law; or

  6. under any other circumstance as provided by any law or administrative regulation.

Please note that we may also use and disclose information about you that is not personally identifiable. For example, we may publish reports that contain aggregated and statistical data. These reports do not contain any Personal Information.

We respect your right to reasonably access and correct your Personal Information, and ETS China complies with all laws regarding access, correction and deletion.

You can make a request to us to cancel your online account under the following circumstances:

  1. If our handling of your Personal Information violates the laws and regulations;

  2. If we collect and use your Personal Information without your consent;

  3. If our handling of your Personal Information violates the agreement with you; or

  4. Our services are no longer required.

ETS China also respects your rights to access, correct and request erasure or restriction of their personal information as required by law. This means:

Please understand that your above requests shall be made in writing by email to We may also request you to submit proof to verify your identity prior to fulfilling the above requests. Additionally, to help ensure the accuracy of our data, we may require appropriate evidence prior to making a change.

We reserve the right to refuse unreasonable requests, such as illegitimate repeated requests, requests demanding overwhelming technical means, requests that may prejudice the legitimate rights and interests of others, unrealistic requests, etc.

According to the relevant laws, regulations and national standards of the People's Republic of China, we will not be able to respond to your request in case of the following circumstances:

  1. Your request relates to the performance of our obligations under laws and regulations;

  2. Your request relates to national security and national defense security;

  3. Your request relates to public safety, public health and major public interests;

  4. Your request relates to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgment;

  5. There is sufficient evidence that the request involves subjective malice or abuse of power;

  6. For the purpose of safeguarding your or other personal life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests, but we are unable to obtain your authorization and consent in time;

  7. Responding to your request will cause serious damage to the legitimate rights and interests of you or other individuals and organizations; and

  8. Trade secrets are involved.

If you need assistance on the above, please contact us via email at

If you believe that we have processed your Personal Information in violation of applicable law, you may file a complaint with the ETS China or with a supervisory authority.

This Website may contain links to other third-party websites. ETS China does not control the privacy policies or practices of these third-party sites. You should review those policies before providing any information, including on a social media page for ETS China. ETS China is not responsible for the content or practices of any third-party sites, and we provide these links solely for the convenience and information of our visitors.

Personal Information collected by ETS China will be stored in China. ETS China has established safeguards to help prevent unauthorized access to or misuse of your Personal Information. These safeguards include physical, technical, organizational and administrative controls.

If you register for a Website account, you will be asked to select a password to help protect your information. These passwords help us verify your identity before granting access or making corrections to any of your Personal Information. You should never disclose your password to anyone. ETS China will never ask you for your password in an unsolicited phone call or email. If you believe that your password or your account has been compromised, please contact us as soon as possible.

ETS China also has an established records retention program. We retain Personal Information as needed for the purposes listed above and for any additional period of time that may be required by law. Unless the data are being retained in connection with a specific investigation, biometric templates are retained for a maximum of three years.

You may request that we delete your Personal Information by contacting us via email at Unless we are required by law or have a legitimate interest to retain your information, we will delete it within 30 days of your request.

ETS China reserves the right to update this Privacy Policy, including to respond to new laws, regulations, or technology, or for other business reasons. If ETS China makes any changes to this Privacy Policy, ETS China will release the latest version on the website, and inform users by way of pop-up window, push notice or other reasonable means, so as to facilitate users' timely understanding of the latest version. If user continues to use the website or services of ETS China, it means that user agrees with the updated Privacy Policy. If the changes will materially affect the way we use or disclose previously collected Personal Information, we will notify you about the change by sending a notice to the primary email address associated with your account.

When we collect your Personal Information relating to biometric identification or your other sensitive information, we will obtain separate written consent from you. We will inform you of the need to process sensitive personal information and the implications on your rights. In addition, we use organisational, technical and physical controls that are reasonably designed to protect the security, confidentiality and integrity of sensitive personal information in order to safeguard from unauthorised access to or use of sensitive personal information.

In most cases, we do not knowingly collect Personal Information directly from children under the age of 18 on our Websites. Parents and schools may use our Websites to create accounts for children. We encourage parents and teachers to spend time online with children and to monitor their online activities. If you believe that a child has created an account on our Website, please contact us to have the account deactivated by sending us an email at

For the Personal Information of children collected, in addition to complying with the provisions of this Privacy Policy in processing the same, we will also store, use and disclose it in strict compliance with the requirements of other laws and regulations such as the Provisions on Online Protection of Children's Personal Information (儿童个人信息网络保护规定), and adhere to the principles of legitimate necessity, informed consent, clear purpose, security and legality, and be retained for the shortest time necessary for fulfilling the purpose of processing. When the Personal Information is no longer necessary for fulfilling the purpose, we will erase or anonymize the children's Personal Information.

When you choose to use our products, content and/or services as a parent or guardian for the supervised children, we may have to collect the Personal Information of the supervised children from you for the purpose of providing the relevant products, content and/or services. We will obtain your authorization and consent in advance, and inform you of the purpose of collection if we have to collect your supervised children's personal information from you. If you refuse to provide the said information, we may not be able to provide the relevant products, content and/or services to you. As a guardian, you should correctly perform your duties and safeguard your supervised children's Personal Information. If your child is to register or use our products, content and/or services, you should duly guide and supervise them.

For collection of personal information of children under the age of 14, we will obtain your separate and express authorization and consent in advance. If you refuse to provide the said information, we may not be able to provide the relevant products, content and/or services to you.

For collection of personal information of children between the age of 14 to 18, joint reading and consent to the Privacy Policy is required under the supervision and direction of the children’s parents or guardians.

Children or their parents and guardians have the right to access, correct and erase the children's personal information.

ETS China has appointed a personal information protection officer to be responsible for the protection of children's Personal Information. If you have any comments, suggestions, complaints and reports on issues related to children's Personal Information, please contact us through the contact information listed in this Privacy Policy.

ETS China, its Website, and its servers are located in the People’s Republic of China. However, your Personal Information may be transferred to ETS China’s affiliates, including ETS and ETS Global with servers located outside the territory of China. Your Personal Information may also be transferred to other countries who provide processing services to ETS China at the direction of ETS China.

Regardless of where your Personal Information is transferred, we will obtain separate consent from you and inform you relevant details on the processing of your Personal Information. We will also comply with other requirements under applicable laws in China, including to conduct prior personal information protection impact assessment, to pass the security evaluation required by the Cyberspace Administration of China (if applicable), carry out necessary measures to ensure that the Personal Information processing activities undertaken by the foreign receiving parties meet the personal information protection standard prescribed under the applicable laws.

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or our privacy or security practices, you may contact us by:

When you visit our Website, we collect certain information by automated means, using technologies such as cookies, pixel tags, browser analysis tools, server logs and web beacons.

In many cases, the information we collect using cookies and other tools is only used in a non-identifiable way, without any reference to Personal Information. For example, we use information we collect about all website users to optimize our Websites and to understand website traffic patterns.

In some cases, we do associate the information we collect using cookies and other technology with your Personal Information. This Privacy Policy governs how we use that information when we associate it with your Personal Information.


When you visit our Website, we place cookies on your computer. Cookies are small text files that websites send to your computer or other internet-connected devices to uniquely identify your browser or to store information or settings in your browser. We use both temporary (session) cookies and persistent cookies, which allow us to recognize you when you return. Cookies help us provide a customized experience and enable us to detect certain kinds of fraud. In many cases, you can manage cookie preferences and opt-out of having cookies and other data collection technologies used by adjusting the settings on your browser. All browsers are different, so visit the "Help" section of your browser to learn about cookie preferences and other privacy settings that may be available.

Flash Cookies

We may use Flash cookies (also known as Local Stored Objects) and similar technologies to personalize and enhance your online experience. A Flash cookie is a small data file placed on a computer using Adobe® Flash technology The Adobe Flash Player is an application that allows rapid development of dynamic content, such as video clips and animation.

We use Flash cookies to personalize and enhance your online experience and to deliver content for Flash players. We may also use Flash cookies for security purposes, to gather certain website metrics and to help remember settings and preferences. Flash cookies are managed through a different interface than the one provided by your web browser. To manage Flash cookies, please visit Adobe's website. If you disable Flash cookies or other similar technologies, please be aware that you may not have access to certain content and product features.

Pixel Tags and Web Beacons

Pixel tags and web beacons are tiny graphic images placed on our Website(s) or in our emails that allow us to determine whether you have performed a specific action. When you access these pages or open or click an email, the pixel tags and web beacons generate a notice of that action. These tools allow us to measure response to our communications and improve our web pages and promotions.

Server Logs and Other Technologies

We collect many different types of information from server logs and other technologies. For example, we may collect information from the device you use to access our Website, your operating system type, browser type, domain, and other system settings, as well as the language your system uses and the country and time zone where your device is located. Our server logs also record the IP address of the device you use to connect to the internet. An IP address is a unique identifier that devices use to identify and communicate with each other on the internet. We may also collect information about the website you were visiting before you came to ETS China and the website you visit after you leave our site.

We have relationships with third-party advertising companies to place advertisements on this Website and other websites, and to perform tracking and reporting functions for this Website and other websites. These third-party advertising companies may place cookies on your computer when you visit our Website or other websites so that they can display targeted advertisements to you. You may choose to accept or reject the cookies.

These third-party advertising companies do not collect Personal Information in this process, and we do not give any personal information to them as part of this process. However, this Privacy Policy does not cover the collection methods or use of the information collected by these companies.

Our Websites may enable you to interact with us and others via social media platforms, such as Sina Weibo, WeChat, WeChat Video Channel, Zhihu, Douyin, Bilibili, Youku. While we respect each social media platform's privacy policies, we may collect Personal Information about you and your friends/connections if you choose to use these tools.

We may display interest-based ads to you when you are using social media platforms. These platforms allow us to personalize the ads that we display to you. We do not share any of your Personal Information with these platforms, although we may convert your email address into a unique number which can be matched by the platform with its user to allow delivery of the advertising. Although we do not provide any personal information to these platforms, they may gain insights about individuals who respond to the ads we serve.

Information About ETS China

This Policy is being given by ETS China in the People’s Republic of China.

Mail:1716, Tower B, No. 3 East Third Ring North Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100027, People’s Republic of China.

The Purposes and Legal Basis for Processing, Including Legitimate Interests

The Privacy Policy explains the reasons why we process your Personal Information. We only process Personal Information when we have a legal basis for the processing, such as:

Automated Decision Making and Profiling

ETS China may use automated processes as necessary to provide the services you request and for other similar purposes. All such decisions are subject to human review. We will not make automated decisions about you that may significantly affect you, unless (1) the decision is necessary as part of a contract that we have with you, (2) we have your explicit consent, or (3) we are required by law to use the technology.

How to Contact Us

Please contact us if you have any questions or comments about our privacy practices or this Privacy Policy. You can always reach us via email at